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5. Invert User Guide - Library
5. Invert User Guide - Library
Written by Jan Philip Prahl
Updated over 3 months ago

The Library page page allows you to explore and manage the key components of your bioprocess data analysis: metrics and properties. You can easily add, remove, or modify library entries either through the user interface (UI) or by importing files. The page is organized into two tabs: Metrics and Properties, making it easy to differentiate between the two data types.

  • Metrics are entities representing time-based data with a distinct x and y value pairs for each data point. Example: Online pH time course signal coming from a bioreactor, or offline product titer concentration time course.

  • Properties are single value entities typically considered as meta data providing additional context to a run or experiment. Supported data types are numeric, text, date, among others. Examples: 'Host Organism' with a value 'E. coli' or 'Bioreactor size (L)' and '200'.

  • Both metrics or properties can be used as formula inputs. Depending on how the formula is configured, formulas may qualify as a metric or property. Examples: A time series aggregation function converts a time series metric into a property (e.g. Maximum(pH) = 7.9) whereas multiplying a metric with a property results in a metric (e.g. Metric[Feed delivery volume (L)] x Property [Feed concentration (g/L)] = Metric[Substrate delivery mass (g)]).

  • Parent metrics organize and consolidate data streams into groups. This is recommended because bioprocess hardware and data stream tag names can vary widely. Additionally, this enables Invert based formulas to be grouped with pre-calculated data streams from your hardware. For example, use 'Temperature (°C)' parent metric to bundle 'TP001 (°C)', 'Temp (°C)', and 'T_PV (°C)'.


The Metrics tab provides an exhaustive list of all timeseries metrics currently in Invert. This list includes time series data uploaded by the user or hardware agent - as well as formula-derived time series data. Each entry is a clickable link navigating to individual metric details pages with additional information and editing options.


On the Properties tab, you'll find a collection of single-value properties. Similar to the Metrics tab, this tab presents entries in a table layout and each linking to the respective details and editing pages.

Key Features:

  • Adding a new metric

    • Create a new metric by clicking the 'Add' button on the 'Metric' tab. Enter a metric name and adjust metric properties as needed. The newly created metric will show in the metric table view.

  • Archiving a Sub or Parent metric

    • To archive a metric or parent metric from the library, click on the metric name to access the details page. Then, click the 'Archive' button in the top right corner to remove the metric.

Bundling 'Sub metrics' into 'Parent metric'

  • Bundle one or multiple sub metrics into a parent metric to streamline metric management across bioreactor platforms. Select relevant sub metrics and click 'Change Parent'. In the modal, select 'Add new parent' from the dropdown and confirm with 'Change Parent'. Specify name and display unit - optionally you can update the sub metric list as needed. Once saved, you may select runs and transfer to analysis page or wait until 'State' updates to 'Ready'. Sub metric<>Parent metric relationships are reversible. Parent metrics can be archived and recreated at any point in time.

Updating Units

  • You can update the unit associated with a metric from the metric editing view, either by updating the Default Display Unit or Default Ingestion Unit (see Metric Property Guide). For that access the metric details page by clicking on the metric name in the metric table. Proceed to the metric editing view to modify the unit. Press 'Save' when done.

Adding a Formula

  • You can annotate metrics by adding a note. Notes are accessible from Line charts via tool tip hover. Simply open the metrics editing page and update the 'Notes' section and press 'Save' when done.

Adding a Constant into an existing Formula

  • Enter a formula name and set your dependencies. Press 'Add constant' and pick a constant from the list or create a new constant. Ensure the units of the constants is compatible with the mathematical operation. Proceed with formula creation.

Adding a Notes

  • You can annotate metrics by adding a note. Notes are accessible from Line charts via tool tip hover. Simply open the metrics editing page and update the 'Notes' section and press 'Save' when done.

Metric & Property Editing Page - User Guide


Description: Name of the metric

Impact: Changing the value will update the metric name.

Example: Oxygen Uptake Rate or Final OD.

Type (Property only)

Description: Indicates the metric data type is timeseries data or run data.

Impact: Changing the data type has implications on the types of analysis the metric can be used for. For instance, only numeric metrics can be used for formulas.

Example: Number, Text, Timeseries, Date, etc.

Default Display Unit

Description: Default unit in which the metric is displayed across the app.

Impact: Changing default display unit converts the metric value into a different unit in accordance with the base unit when displayed in Invert. The value is not altered.

Example: mg/L or g/L

Base Unit

Description: The SI unit in which the metric is stored inside the app.

Impact: Unit conversions and other unit related features require metric units to be unambiguous and defined so that it can be stored in SI unit. E.g. Yield in 'g product/g biomass' should be represented as 'g/g' (kg/kg in SI Unit).

Example: K or kg/m^3

Molar mass





Description: Text field used for capturing notes

Impact: Text shows when hovering over a metric/formula name in Line charts.

Example: Primary Nitrogen Source | Measured via Thermo Gallery Analyzer

Expresses Timeseries Data

Description: Converts a metric with an 'Unknown' data type into timeseries data. Only applies to metrics that were not classified correctly upon ingestion.

Impact: Once a metric is expressed as timeseries data, this action cannot be reversed.

Uses Log Scale

Description: Enables Log Scale for a specific metric.

Impact: Metric show on a logarithmic Y-axis when feature is turned on.

Disable Interpolation

Description: Disables linear interpolation for a specific metric.

Impact: Interpolation affects the way data sets are shown in line charts. When disabled, data show without connecting lines when feature is turned off.

Resampling Method

Description: Determines how data is aggregated when condensing time series data into manageable intervals. You can select either 'Mean' to smooth data trends by averaging values, or 'Max' to capture the highest value within each interval.

Impact: Choosing 'Mean' provides a clearer view of overall trends by reducing noise, while 'Max' emphasizes peak conditions, making it useful for identifying extreme events or anomalies in the data.

Example: For temperature data, selecting 'Mean' will show the average temperature over each hour, whereas 'Max' will highlight the highest recorded temperature for that period.

Default Ingestion Unit

Description: The unit in which the metric is ingested into the app.

Impact: Changing default ingestion unit alters the metric value. E.g. changing the default ingestion unit to g/L for a metric originally ingested as mg/L will result in a 1000x multiplication of the base values. E.g. 1 mg/L will change to 1 g/L.

Example: mg/L or g/L

Screenshot 1: Example metric editing page

Screenshot 2: Example property editing page

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